GcMAFplus® Treatment Protocols
All GcMAFplus® products are made in an Australian GMP ISO22716 certified laboratory and tested to be 100% bioidentical to GcMAF naturally produced in the body.

There have been over 160 clinical studies conducted on GcMAF and related immunotherapy areas. These are available for public viewing at the US National Library Medicine website (PUBMED) here. The different conditions and health issues which these studies have covered are listed below. We make no direct health claims about the use of GcMAFplus® products.
Our primary goal is to supply the highest quality clinical-grade products containing synthetic GcMAF bioidentical to that produced within the body of a healthy individual. The above said 160 clinical studies purport to have some positive findings in relation to a number of the medical issues listed below.*
A summary of clinical trials conducted on GcMAF
Who can use It?
Anyone! If the immune system was working as it should, GcMAF would be made in the body and the immune system would be working. Do not stop or change any prescribed medication or treatment. If a healthy person can take the prescribed treatment, someone using GcMAFplus® can. The only things to consider are if the medication is designed to suppress the immune system, it might counter the effects of GcMAF.
What diet or supplements are needed?
Anyone! If the immune system was working as it should, GcMAFplus® would be made in the body and the immune system would be working. Do not stop or change any prescribed medication or treatment. If a healthy person can take the prescribed treatment, someone using GcMAFplus® can. The only things to consider are if the medication is designed to suppress the immune system, it might counter the effects of GcMAF.
Side effects
There have been no reported negative side effects associated with taking GcMAFplus® with the exception of few cases of very mild detox-like symptoms when high dosages have been used.
Medical Disclaimer
Notwithstanding the above said 160 clinical studies, we at GcMAFplus® make no warranty or representation that product will assist in any of the above listed medical issues. All content and media on this website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Should you need any medical advice, you should contact your family GP or other medical practitioner at your earliest opportunity.