What is nagalase how does it affect cancer?

The key to the morbidity and mortality of human cancer is the infiltration, dissolution and subsequent total substitution of normal tissue with tumour tissue. The continued expansion of the tumour mass is supported by a complete degrading of the pre-existing extra-cellular matrix scaffolds of the invaded tissue at the same time as the formation of an extra-cellular matrix that is derived from the tissue. This matrix dissolution is understood to be initiated by a number of hydrolytic enzymes displaying vigorous enzymatic activity toward intact extra-cellular matrices and are released by the tumour. One important such extra-cellular matrix-degrading enzyme released by the cancerous cells during tumour invasion is Nagalase. Nagalase serves to remove the sugar entity of the glyco-protein Vitamin D3-binding protein (DPB) – a process known as deglycosylation. A glyco-protein is a group of conjugated proteins with a carbohydrate for the non-protein component. This protein is the precursor for the major macrophage activating factor. This activation for phagocytosis and presentation of antigens is the first of many steps in immune development. It follows then that a loss in this precursor development results in immune suppression. Where there is total deglycosylation of the GC-protein, conversion to the macrophage activating factor (MAF) is non-existent. There have been a number of studies demonstrating that patients with cancers such as lung, oesophagus, stomach, prostate, colon, breast, liver, pancreas, bladder, testes, uterus, ovary, kidney, mesothelioma, melanoma, fibrosarcoma, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, and various leukaemias to have increased nagalase levels in their bloodstreams. Differing levels of nagalase activity have been located in people with various types of tumour activity and it is believed that tumour size as well as the degree of malignancy and invasion are factors determining the secretory capacity of tumour tissue. Importantly there have been no cases of increased nagalase activity in the blood of people who are healthy.
Because the amount of nagalase activity in the body corresponds directly to the number of cancer cells in the body as well as tumour size and amount of cancer within the body. It has been demonstrated that by measuring levels of nagalase in the bloodstream it is possible to detect the presence of cancerous lesions well below levels achievable by any other diagnostic means. This also suggests that levels of nagalase in the blood may provide an effective test for measuring the efficacy of a given treatment in not only cancer but also certain viral illnesses including HIV/AIDS. There have also been studies showing marked drops in nagalase activity subsequent to primary tumour removal in patients – in fact to near tumour-free levels. This suggests that nagalase has a half life of 24 hours or less making it invaluable for disease prognosis throughout treatment.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that the most potent form of macrophage activating factor (GCMAF) produced external to the body is from stepwise treatment of purified GC protein with immobilised ß-galactosidase and sialidase. Study after study have repeatedly shown there to be no adverse effects in humans. In fact administration of the macrophage activating factor at a dosage of 100ng consistently shows development of abnormality recognising receptors in malignant cell structures that kill cancerous cells. In essence, there are two immunotherapeutic procedures for cancer – monoclonal antibody therapy and vaccine therapy. In the development of immunity against vaccines, cancer therapy requires macrophage activation for T or B cell mediated tumour rejection. Put another way, activation of macrophages is indispensable in order for immunotherapies to be effective.
In summary – Nagalase is an amazingly sensitive marker for each and every type of cancer and allows for the much earlier detection of cancerous lesions than any other known method. It causes immunodeficiency by blocking the development of macrophage activating factor and consecutive nagalase testing is a reliable indicator for tracking the effectiveness of therapeutic regimens for all cancers and certain viral infections.